Patient Education
At Beacon Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine, we want you to feel comfortable and confident when choosing an orthopedic provider. Check out the insights and stories from any of our doctors below to help you gain a better understanding of the physician’s practice. We want to provide you with the resources you need to make an informed orthopedic decision.
Patient Education by Physician
Dr. David Argo
Dr. John Bartsch
Dr. Brian Braithwaite
Dr. John Brannan
Dr. Robert Burger
Dr. Drew Burleson
Dr. Peter Cha
Dr. Atul Chandoke
Dr. Haleem Chaudhary
Dr. Christopher Chen
Dr. Jaideep Chunduri
Dr. Brian Crellin
Dr. Emily Dixon
Dr. Safi Faruqui
Dr. Mohab Foad
Dr. Nicole Goddard
Dr. Steven Goldfarb
Dr. Todd Grime
Dr. Steve Hamilton
Dr. Ronald Hess
Dr. Andrew Islam
Dr. Matthew Johansen
Dr. Thomas Kiefhaber
Dr. Benjamin Kleinhenz
Dr. Sam Koo
Dr. Timothy Kremchek
Dr. Justin Kruer
Dr. Matthew Langenderfer
Dr. John Larkin
Dr. David Lustenberger
Dr. Alberto Maldonado
Dr. Vic Manocha
Dr. George Matic
Dr. Glen McClung
Dr. Timothy McConnell
Dr. Bryan McCullough
Dr. Adam Miller
Dr. Nicholas Mirkopoulos
Dr. Joshua Murphy
Dr. Michael Paczas
Dr. Robert Pettit
Dr. Michael Planalp
Dr. Robert Raines
Dr. Andrew Razzano
Dr. Daniel Reilly
Dr. Ian Rice
Dr. Ian Rodway
Dr. Michael Rohmiller
Dr. Robert Rolf
Dr. Brian Rottinghaus
Dr. V. James Sammarco
Dr. Kevin Shaw
Dr. Aarti Singla
Dr. Joel Sorger
Dr. David Sower
Dr. Henry Stiene
Dr. Michael L. Swank
Dr. M. Scott True
Dr. Marc Wahlquist
Dr. Jason Welter
Dr. Michael Wigton
Dr. Wenjing Zeng
Schedule an introductory consultation with one of our 60+ expert physicians to learn what treatment options will be best to help you overcome your injury or chronic condition. It is our goal to help you return to the sports and activities you love as soon as possible.
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