
If you want to stay up on the latest information from Beacon Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine, or if you just want to win free stuff, click below to follow us on social media!

Social Media

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This form grants parental consent to authorize medical care to children.  It may be completed in advance, if desired.

Parental Authorization Form


Medical Partners

Bringing great sports medicine and orthopedic care to the Cincinnati Tri-State area is a team endeavor.  Below are links to some of our partners.


Drayer Physical Therapy Institute

Impact Concussion Testing

Schedule Now

At Beacon Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine, we strive to bring the highest in care and the latest in medical technology to our patients.  This includes convenience of scheduling. Click below to schedule with one of our physicians in real time.

Schedule Now

Please note that appointments with Dr. Kruer and Dr. Sower must be scheduled over the phone.  Please give us a call at (513) 354-3700 or click the link below.  Once the form is completed, we will reach out to you to schedule.

Request an Appointment