August 13, 2018
- Protect healing tissue
- Decrease pain/inflammation
- Retard muscular atrophy
- Avoid strengthening the flexor mass muscle group during this initial phase to allow for healing at medial epicondyle
Weeks 1-2
- Brace: 90° elbow flexion
- Cryotherapy: To elbow joint
- Active assisted ROM
- Brace: Elbow ROM 0-120° (Gradually increase ROM – 5°, Ext/10° of Flex per week)
- Continue wrist ROM exercises
- Initiate light scar mobilization incision
- Cryotherapy to elbow
- Gradual increase to full ROM
- Promote healing of repaired tissue
- Regain and improve muscular strength
- Restore full function of graft site
Weeks 3-4
- Brace: Elbow ROM 0-140°
- Continue all exercises listed above
- Elbow ROM in brace
- Initiate active ROM Wrist and Elbow (No resistance)
- Initiate light wrist flexion stretching
- Initiate active ROM shoulder:
- ER/IR tubing
- Elbow flex/extension
- Lateral raises
- Initiate light scapular strengthening exercises
- May incorporate stationary bike for lower extremity
- D/C brace and use wrist
- Begin light resistance exercises for arm (1 lb)
- Wrist curls, extensions, pronation, supination
- Elbow extension/flexion
- Progress shoulder program emphasize rotator cuff and scapular strengthening
- Initiate shoulder strengthening with light dumbbells
- Increase strength, power, endurance
- Maintain full elbow ROM
- Gradually initiate sporting activities
Weeks 6-18
- ROM: Elbow ROM 0-135°
- Continue all Exercises: Progress all shoulder and UE exercises
- Progress elbow strengthening exercises
- Initiate shoulder external rotation strengthening
- Initiate eccentric elbow flexion/extension
- Continue isotonic program: forearm & wrist
- Initiate plyometric exercise program (2 hand plyos close to body only)
- Chest pass
- Side throw close to body
- Continue stretching calf and hamstrings
- Continue all exercises listed above
- Program plyometrics to 2 hand drills away from body
- Side to side throws
- Soccer throws
- Side throws
- Initiate isotonic machines strengthening exercises (if desired)
- Bench press (seated)
- Lat pull down
- Initiate golf, swimming
- Continue strengthening program
- Emphasis on elbow and wrist strengthening and flexibility exercises
- Maintain full elbow ROM
- Initiate one hand plyometric throwing (stationary throws)
- Initiate one hand wall dribble
- Initiate one hand baseball throws into wall