September 28, 2018
Post op
- Begin PROM PT at 4 weeks
- Can feed self and pendulums in initial weeks only
- Sling for 4 weeks
- NO ROM restrictions at 7 weeks
For the first 4 weeks after surgery, you must wear your sling at all times including while you are asleep. You may only remove the sling to shower and to perform range of motion exercises for your elbow and wrist.
You should flex and extend your elbow 3 to 4 times a day to prevent stiffness. Do not move your elbow away from your body as this may damage the repair.
An ice machine will be provided to you prior to your surgery. This will help decrease swelling and pain after your surgery. Use the ice machine as much as possible when you get home at intervals of 20 minutes on and off. You should keep the ice machine for approximately two weeks. Do not use the ice machine while you are sleeping.
If you were given a nerve block for anesthesia, it will wear off over 18-24 hours. During this time you will have little to no feeling in the body part where you had surgery (i.e. arm). Also, an injection of local anesthesia was injected into your shoulder after the completion of the operation. This medication will wear off in 5 to 6 hours. To control your pain during this transition while the nerve block is wearing off, you are to eat first and then begin taking the pain medication (e.g. Vicodin, Percocet, etc) immediately when you get home from surgery. This will prevent you from having severe pain. Take the pain medication every 4 hours until you go to bed.
You have been given an antibiotic medication – please take this as prescribed until completion of the medication.
A sleeping medication (e.g. Ambien) is also provided to help you sleep at night. Take one tablet 30 minutes before you plan to sleep.
Keep your surgical dressing clean and dry. Do not remove the dressing until your follow-up visit. A waterproof dressing has been applied You may take a shower, however you should avoid direct contact on the dressing with water.
Do not take a bath or submerge your shoulder in water until your incision is checked at your first post-operative visit.
It is normal to have an elevated temperature during the first 2-3 days post-operatively. Please call our office if your temperature is above 101oF, if there is increased redness around the incision sites, or if there is increased drainage from the incision sites.
Please call the office prior to, or immediately following, your surgery in order to schedule a post-operative appointment. This should be scheduled 7-10 days after surgery. At that visit your stitches will be removed and you will be given a prescription for physical therapy.