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Neural Prolotherapy

Neural Prolotherapy in Cincinnati, Ohio

The experts at Beacon Orthopaedics are some of few orthopedic specialists in the Greater Cincinnati region who are certified in neural prolotherapy from the Lyftogt Perineural Injection TreatmentⓇ Program. This certification is highly specialized, which makes our doctors the experts in the area for this treatment. We analyze each patient to see which treatment option is best. Then, we will create an individualized treatment plan for the patient to best put you on your road to recovery.

What Is Neural Prolotherapy?

Neural prolotherapy may also be referred to as subcutaneous prolotherapy, neurofascial prolotherapy, or its official name, Lyftogt Perineural Injection Treatment. It is a safe and effective treatment for nerve pain, caused by an injured sensory nerve. This treatment was discovered and developed by Dr. John Lyftogt.1

Neural prolotherapy treatment consists of strategic injections of a dextrose solution to reduce inflammation in a painful nerve. This treatment is very similar to traditional prolotherapy, which involves injection of a dextrose solution into a ligament or tendon. Prolotherapy and neural prolotherapy treatments are often given together to address different sources of pain and injury.

Is Neural Prolotherapy Safe?

Yes. The solution used for neural prolotherapy is a common IV solution used in hospitals across the world. The treatment is administered with a very small needle, and no allergic reactions to this treatment have been reported.

In recent history, recommended treatments for chronic nerve pain include antidepressants, antiepileptic and analgesic drugs, and opioid pain medications. Each of these treatments is associated with possible side effects or even the potential for addiction and abuse. Neural prolotherapy is safe, non-addictive, and highly effective.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

After just the first neural prolotherapy treatment, many patients experience relief of chronic nerve pain that lasts hours to days. The goal of complete pain resolution and return to full function is often achieved after 6-8 sessions, spaced one week apart. Depending on the condition treated. Dr. Lyftogt reports an 80-100% success rate in this treatment. Treatment results are permanent, unless re-injury occurs.

Your Neural Prolotherapy Doctors

John Bartsch MD headshot



Ready to Experience the Beacon Difference?

Neural prolotherapy is a highly specialized treatment, and only a few orthopaedic specialists are certified to administer this treatment through the Lyftogt Perineural Injection Treatment Program. Fortunately for patients in the Cincinnati and Dayton areas, a number of those highly-trained doctors are on our team at Beacon Orthopaedics. If you have suffered from chronic pain and would like to investigate neural prolotherapy as a treatment option, please contact us to schedule a consultation.

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1 Dr. John Lyftogt. What is Lyftogt Perineural Injection Treatment? Available: https://www.lyftogtmed.com/what-is-lyftogt-perineural-injection-treatment/. Accessed June 11, 2021.