Search Results: neuropathy

Neuropathy Diagnosis & Treatment

Neuropathy means damage to a nerve or a disease affecting multiple nerves. This may present as altered sensation, numbness, weakness, or pain in the arms or legs. Neuropathy can affect a single nerve, multiple nerves, or have a more widespread effect on nerves (peripheral neuropathy.) Diseases causing peripheral neu ...More >

A Pain in the Nerve: Types of Nerve Pain and How Orthopedics Helps

Pain getting to your nerves? Literally? Orthopedic treatment can help. Nerve pain is also known as neuropathy. As a common type of chronic pain, it’s caused by damage or dysfunction of the nerves. Neuropathy might sound like something that happens to other people — especially people who are surely much older than yo ...More >

Peripheral Nerve Stimulator for Post-Surgical Pain Management

Written by Dr. Vic Manocha Patients often seek out surgical options when conservative therapies have failed. Most of the time, surgery corrects the problem and relieve patients of their painful symptoms. However, there are times when patient continues to have pain after surgery. Entrapment mononeuropathies can oc ...More >

Frequently Asked Questions: Suprascapular Nerve Entrapment

Suprascapular nerve entrapment is a rare condition that can be easily misdiagnosed or even go unnoticed by those who are affected. Let’s get to the bottom of this condition and talk about who could be affected, what body parts are involved, and what are the symptoms, causes and treatments of this potentially “silent” c ...More >